Monday, November 30, 2015

Scratch Game Design

Playing other peoples games helped me a lot. It helped me make my game a little more challenging for the players who will be playing my game. Playing others games helped me realize what I need to work on and make better. It also helped me realize what game players expect in a chase game. Looking inside the codes of some games helped me out with my game. It was really confusing to me and looking at other peoples coding made it easier for me because this was my first time actually making a game from scratch. What I did was I took some codes from other peoples codes and remixed it with mine. I did a little customizing and made it sorta my own.

There are a bunch of features to this game. For example there are a lot of interesting details. It's not boring. It hooks the player to keep playing. I think the features to both of my games are different because my chase game is not really and adventure like my platformer. With my platformer game the levels get harder & harder once you complete the levels. My chase game doesn't really change levels. It basically just goes in a loop until you run out of time. which is not really challenging but still amusing.

I think my best code was my platformer code. I think that was my best code because if you look at that code it seems hard and difficult to do. But its not. It was really fun to make. I also think it is my best code because I had more time to work on it. So it was neat and organized and not all over the place. To be honest I sorta rushed my other games because I was on a trip for about two weeks and I had no computer. Soooo....... I guess I would say this was my best quality code I did.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Invention Commercial

P2T10_invention from Kapaa Middle School MEDIA on Vimeo.
Our teams main goal for this assignment was to come up with an invention that could help real people with real world problems. Our goal was also to entertain our audience. commercials are all about entertainment, its also about selling your product but mostly entertaining. If you don't entertain your audience with your commercial they probably won't be interested enough to buy your product. The invention that we came up with is called the feel good app. This app is supposed to help people with their confidence and self-esteem. So basically it is a app that you watch inspirational videos.

I think that one of our best team moments was filming. I think that was our best team moment because we had a lot of fun doing it. I think it was a team moment for us because we were prepared and we new what we were doing because we have been in this class last year. Another team moment I think we had was coming up with our idea. We didn't really argue with each other or had any problems with any of our ideas. We were very supportive of each other, And when it was time to pick our commercial idea we all chose the same thing. So that we wouldn't be spending all that time arguing about whose idea we were going to chose.

During post production we split ourselves up for each different job. Mike did half of the main editing. He only did half because he was getting frustrated. That's when I took over. I did the other half Of editing. I think that we did a pretty good job editing. It came out exactly how we wanted it to be. Zephen didn't really edit but he was there to help and support us. For example we needed a couple more scenes to meet the requirements but Mike and I needed to stay at the computer to finish editing. So Zephen asked for a camera and filmed the final scene for us.   

Friday, November 6, 2015

Composition Scavenger Hunt

I think the most important composition is the rule of thirds subject. I think this technique is the most important to me because just the way it looks makes it look really neat and professional. I am pretty sure I can speak for every one when I say that I would rather look at a neat clear and organized film then a film with shots that's really confusing and hard to understand. Also I think that when you are filming it is really easy to find the rule of thirds on the camera.

I think the most difficult composition is the contrast and content because when you are filming this shot you have to try to really focus on just one thing. And to be honest it is really hard. For our group we got really frustrated because the camera kept on going out of focus right when we started the video. This composition technique is very difficult to shoot but in the end if you shoot the technique right it just might come out perfect in your video.

 My teammates for this assignment is Mike and Zephen. Yes I am aware that Im the only girl! But thats okay because we get the work done. I think our team is very productive. Mike was kinda like the director on our team. He was the boss. But he was good at it, He was professional. Zephen was kinda like our "model" He was the one that we filmed. I was mostly the editor and sometimes the filmed but most of the time Mike was the one that filmed.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Cracking the Code

This recent project in Mr.Sanderls class is coding. We have been practicing coding. We even got certificates! coding is a very important skill to have. I think that everyone should learn how to code. One reason why is because you can make a living off of coding things. Most jobs pay you big time just for coding things. Wouldn't you want that job?

My first experience working with coding was pretty easy if you know how to follow directions well and don't have a problem with patience then you will have the most easiest time with coding. It was pretty fun. Especially when it actually moves. Its like "Wow I can't believe that I did that!". It may seem weird to feel like that but it is pretty amazing watching your work come together into a outstanding outcome. But to be honest as you go on with the levels you will come to find out that it gets more challenging. But all you really need is practice and it will probably get easier.

If I could design any game I would design a game it would be about fashion. I don't know why but I remember playing dress up games on the computer. It was so interesting. I think that making a game like this would be really easy because dressing somebody up does not require the character to move you just need the clothes and other things to move. So I think that it would be the perfect game for me to create because I don't like to get challenged because I honestly don't have the patience.