Friday, September 18, 2015

Comedy Writing

Having a sense of humor is an important trait to have because if you don't have a sense of humor then I believe that you would take everything someone says literally and thats not fun! Personally, I have a big sense of humor. People with no sense of humor probably have a boring life. Not being a hater or anything but a sense of humor can save your life! If someone lives a life without laughing or giggling at least once in their then thats not living at all! 

Some tips for writing a humorous narrative or a humorous monologue is to just be cautious of what your writing your joke about because sometimes when you make fun of people they can take it to the heart and get very offended, and thats not good. Another tip for writing a joke is to base your joke on something that makes sense and make it about something everyone can relate to. For example "Knock,knock. Who's there. banana. Banana who? Banana apple!" See thats not funny at all!!!. Tip #3 be loose and creative when you are writing your narrative. Tip #4 is to write something thats not just funny to you, you have to relate your jokes to the audience. Lastly tip #5 is to be funny. Honestly I think that being funny is the most important tip ever when it comes to writing a humorous narrative.

My comedic monologue is about my brother and I and how he proved to me that he is bigger and stronger than me. I think my monolouge is funny because it is about my 6 year old brother tackling his 12 year old sister. I think everything about that is just totally hilarious! I also think that it's funny because it is embarrassing and most of the time getting embarrassed is funny to a lot of people sometimes.  

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