MataJ_Comedy from Kapaa Middle School MEDIA on Vimeo.
Some things that I have learned from this project is how to edit videos with the newly improved and updated iMovie. There is a lot of new editing features that I was not familiar to but now I am. Also I learned about comedic timing and how it is very important when you are telling jokes, because if you don't have timing when you are telling your joke your audience probably will not understand what you are saying and they might not get the joke either. Lastly I learned that staying organized in iMovie will help you a whole lot with editing and trying to find what you need. I learned that the hard way.
Pad is the space around an element's content and margins or borders. Also the length or running time in your movie or video. It's extra film that can come before or after your footage.Padding is crucial because if you don't pad then your footage would look choppy and really not put together. Padding is not hard at all. If you know how to do it. Padding is very important because it will look put together and professional.
My biggest weakness in this project was matching my A-roll to my B-roll. it is very hard trying to make it in sync with each other. But I kinda got it do a little I don't think no one noticed though. Also another one of my weakness was finding good effects and sounds that matched my footage. My biggest strength of all was filming. It was so easy for me because I love filming. Also acting it out was pretty easy to! Some ways to improve is to practice editing in iMovie because I am not used to editing film in iMovie because last year we edited all our film in final cut pro.
My biggest weakness in this project was matching my A-roll to my B-roll. it is very hard trying to make it in sync with each other. But I kinda got it do a little I don't think no one noticed though. Also another one of my weakness was finding good effects and sounds that matched my footage. My biggest strength of all was filming. It was so easy for me because I love filming. Also acting it out was pretty easy to! Some ways to improve is to practice editing in iMovie because I am not used to editing film in iMovie because last year we edited all our film in final cut pro.