The title for my movie trailer is the missing! The main characters in this movie poster is violet and her friends Gretchon (Nahele Keale), Karen (Makena Kahananui), And jazmin (Jasmine Laplante). The place that the movie poster is going to take place at a sleepover at Gretchon's house. They are all going to sit in circle with in the bed and the picture is going to look like the camera is floating above of us. I think our poster is going to be awesome and it is going to be successful.
The Title of our movie poster is the missing. Since the title is a little bit dramatic, I added a spooky affect to it to give a little hit to the movie trailer. The other text included in my movie title is some critics suggestions. The characters in the trailer and the person who is playing the part, and the name of the producer of our movies company. To make the text unique I used kerning, Kerning is when you adjust the space between words/sentence.
The overall impact that that the filters and effects put on my movie poster is really awsome,and clear. The filters and effects help put a spooky/mysterious feel to it. It also helped set the perfect idea of mystery to the story/film that was made. with the effects it matched perfectly with the movie trailer theme. I thought it was cool that us the students could create a full movie trailer that involved team work.